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Siyavela's vision for Impact: Empowering communities through collaboration

Bulelwa Mbangeni

On Monday the 22nd of July 2024, Siyavela Impact, a nonprofit company (NPO) connecting and supporting people who are working to create a better world, launched the Siyavela Impact Programme: an initiative that aims to enable the success of CSI, NPO, and social development projects. The evening was an opportunity to connect luminaries across these sectors around a shared purpose: to make a difference.

A pivotal aspect of the initiative is leadership. An estimated 80% of projects across the spectrum of CSI, NPOs, and development projects, fail because of the gap that exists between investors and projects. The Siyavela Impact Programme is a one-year programme that positions itself to be the bridge that connects the two, curating a coaching community that supports and empowers participants with the knowledge, skills, and resources to succeed.

On Monday the 22nd of July 2024, Siyavela Impact, a nonprofit company (NPO) connecting and supporting people who are working to create a better world, launched the Siyavela Impact Programme: an initiative that aims to enable the success of CSI, NPO, and social development projects. The evening was an opportunity to connect luminaries across these sectors around a shared purpose: to make a difference.

For Kalnisha Singh, a development economist and one of the initiative’s leaders, support is a key aspect that is often overlooked. Siyavela Impact aims to “support those who are working to improve their impact and to build communities around these individuals.”

The goal? Increased performance in impact investment that not only delivers better results in development projects but ultimately a better quality of life within our country.

With Kalnisha, Rehana Moosajee, Marie Le Roux, Siwe Ntombela at the helm, the programme kicks off in September 2024 and comprises a three-day retreat, 12 monthly online skills development sessions, 3 in-person site visits to sustainable spaces, and strategic focus breaks. Ian Haton will be the keynote speaker at the inaugural retreat; he is an author who has facilitated leadership development globally for over two decades. Organisations will acquire valuable insights and skills to effectively drive impact.

As the evening drew to a close, guest Simon Kehagias of Breathwork Africa, shared a fascinating insight: the human body comprises 70% water, with water molecules consisting of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen, the most abundant element in the universe, underscores our connection to it – we not only exist within the universe but are fundamentally made from it.

An adage, but it perfectly encapsulates Siyavela Impact: a recognition that as individuals who exist together in this universe, we should have a desire to be changemakers because we have the capacity to create, contribute, and sustain change. The possibilities of what we can achieve, together, are limitless when adequately guided.

Leaders from the CSI, NPO and development sectors who would like to participate in and leverage the Siyavela Impact Programme can read more about the initiative at, or with an email to

For more information about Siyavela Impact and to stay updated on the latest initiatives, visit the website at and follow them on LinkedIn at

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